I performed LAPAROSCOPIC SLEEVE GASTRECTOMY WITH LOOP DUODENOJEJUNAL BYPASS (BARIATRIC SURGERY/ METABOLIC SURGERY) on Mr. Papi Reddy on 06th November 2015. Please listen to his review in English – Dr. V. AMAR, www.drvamar.com.
Sleeve Gastrectomy with Loop Duodenojejunal Bypass (SG LDJB) is a loop modification of Bilio-pancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch with gastro-jejunal anastomosis in place of gastro-ileal anastomosis.
It can also be considered as a combination of Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) and Mini-gastric Bypass (MGB). Since diversion is present, hormonal changes are more. So it is more effective in terms of weight loss and resolution of type II diabetes compared to Sleeve Gastrectomy alone. Compared to Mini-gastric bypass, there is no at risk gastric remnant, risk of calcium and iron deficiency is less due to presence of first part of duodenum in food pathway and risk of dumping syndrome is less due to presence of intact pylorus.
Bariatric surgery is a scientifically proven, safe and highly effective method for permanent weight loss. Weight loss and resolution of type II diabetes after bariatric/ metabolic surgery is due to hormonal changes and not due to food restriction or malabsorption.
For information on obesity and diabetes surgery please visit www.drvamar.com, www.obesitydiabetessurgery.com – Dr. V. AMAR, Chief Consultant Metabolic & Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. AMAR BARIATRIC & METABOLIC INSTITUTE, Hyderabad, India